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List: MassLep
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2024 00:50:12 -0400
From: cheryl califano <laurabellalivycourage...>
Subject: [MassLep] butterflys

Hi to all out there,
I saw 1 monarch, 2 tiger swallow tails and at least 12 cabbage whites last=
year in my host and pollinator garden in Milford. This year I=E2=80=99ve =
only seen cabbage whites. I=E2=80=99ve seen several varieties of bees, mos=
tly bumbles of various sizes. Last year I started a 25=E2=80=99 by 25=E2=
=80=99 pollinator garden in a friends yard ( in R.I.) There I=E2=80=99ve s=
een various skippers, tiger swallow tails and monarch regularly. Her proper=
ty is surrounded by Sassafras, cedar, oak and a few choke cherry trees. Ho=
pe you are all well and enjoying the Fall.

Cheryl Califano

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